Trained in the time honored tradition of Mayan Abdominal massage by the Abdominal Therapy Collective , inspired by Don Elijio Panti and Dr. Rosita Arvigo.
This sacred traditional massage can help with many afflictions we currently experience in our day to day lives. This powerful, relaxing, non-invasive technique increases circulation while decreasing tension and restrictions in our abdomen. As a result this aids in regulating hormones, while increasing oxygen and nutrients in our core body. This is a wonderful option for individuals seeking support on their fertility journey, experiencing painful cycles, chronic constipation and GI conditions, abdominal scarring and adhesions, endometriosis, PCOS, uterine fibroids, hip and pelvic malalignment, and prostate discomfort, as well as many other conditions.
This is often a stand alone treatment, consisting of one initial, 1.5-2 hour treatment that includes client self-care education and at least one 75 minute-2 hour follow up appointment.
It is encouraged that clients keep up with their own self care routine at home and consider continued in office sessions to see maximum benefits.
Please contact us to set up an initial consultation and appointment.